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Data. T3 Sixty (T3) strives to deliver the most accurate, meaningful and complete data possible. We have included all companies we are aware of and believe warrant inclusion in the rankings based on their performance. T3 analyzed and included companies based on data gathered through a variety of methods, including surveys, franchise data, MLS data, public financial statements, interviews and the internet. While we used our best efforts in preparing the Real Estate Almanac and have verified numbers as far as possible, we cannot guarantee 100 percent accuracy or completeness. Readers should always be cautious when using or relying on numbers from any list, including the Real Estate Almanac.
Inclusion. We have not excluded any major brokerage or any other organization that we are aware of and have a high level of confidence of the information among the top companies. Obviously, as you move down the Real Estate Almanac, there will be companies that we have missed. Because T3 Sixty is committed to including every brokerage that should be ranked, we invite anyone to contact the T3 Sixty Research Department; email them at research@t360.com to help us improve future editions of the Real Estate Almanac by providing us names of brokerages we should research. T3 Sixty is committed to be the principal provider of trends and/or industry information, and your support is appreciated in helping us provide you the best intelligence possible.
Customers. A large number of the companies listed on the Real Estate Almanac have either attended a T3 event, purchased one of more of our reports in the past and some are currently, or have been, clients of our consulting division. Furthermore, T3 has, and continues to make investments in an array of companies in our industry. These are passive long-term investments and we do not speculate or day-trade. Our research, reports and other writing are not influenced by any of the aforesaid. T3 Sixty goes to great lengths to remain objective in its studies, rankings and reports.
Confidential Information. No confidential information received under a nondisclosure agreement is ever published. Data used in the Real Estate Almanac is specifically gathered for the Real Estate Almanac. No company was included in the Real Estate Almanac with the intent of giving that company, or its competitors, an advantage or disadvantage; inclusion is always for the sake of completeness.
Trademarks. Most of the companies mentioned in the Real Estate Almanac own numerous trademarks and other marks, and T3 does not in any way seek to challenge or dilute any of these marks. “Realtors” is a registered trademark of the National Association of Realtors.